Our tools for analysing neural, behavioural, and network data.
Strategy Tracker lets you track a subject’s use of choice strategies across every trial. Track learning of the current rule; track rule switches; track the exploratory strategies the subject uses. Use the output to define learning, or to trigger live changes during an experiment. Read the accompanying paper in eLife . We released toolboxes in MATLAB and in Python.
Find the low-dimensional structure of a network, if one exists. Uses a spectral approach to estimate departures from a specified null model network, outputing the low-dimensional structure and nodes that belong to it. The output can be used to estimate the dimensionality of any data expressed as a network. See the accompanying paper Spectral estimation for detecting low-dimensional structure in networks using arbitrary null models. The linked toolbox is in MATLAB; we thank Thomas Delaney for the Python port.
Compute the small-world-ness of your network.
Find neural ensembles using network theory. By treating a correlation matrix as a network, we can find ensembles of correlated neurons as modules on the network.